2025 Greenville Dinner Sponsor Registration

On Monday, March 10th, 2025, NC Family will host our annual Greenville Dinner at Rock Springs Center.

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR EVENT AND TABLE SPONSORS. We encourage you to participate as an event or table sponsor by selecting one of the options below. Then invite your family, friends, colleagues and others to attend this exciting event!
(Individual registration may be opened closer to the event if seating permits.)

More About Our Speaker:
Ryan has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of Purpose. His biological mother was raped yet courageously gave him a chance to live and the beautiful gift of adoption. He was adopted at 6 weeks of age and grew up in a loving, multi-“racial” Christian family of 15. With siblings of varying ethnicities, he grew up with a great appreciation for diversity. Ten of the thirteen children were adopted in this remarkable family. His life defies the myth of the “unwanted” child as he was adopted, loved and has flourished. Today, Ryan is happily married to the love of his life, Bethany. They are the proud homeschooling parents of four amazing children, two of whom were adopted. They are his daily inspiration in illuminating that every human life has God-given purpose.

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